(for an updated list, visit LyndonPerryWriter.com.)
Aphelion ~ A Webzine of Science Fiction & Fantasy
+ Proposal, a SciFaiku (March 2008)
+ Au Naturale, a SciFaiku (April 2008)
+ Generation Gap, a SciFaiku (May 2008)
Bewildering Stories ~ Weekly Publication of Speculative Fiction
~~ Here's my Biography and Bibliography at BwS
+ Show, Don't Tell appeared Oct 22, 2007 (Issue 264)
+ The Daily Brew appeared Nov 12, 2007 (Issue 267)
+ (Both stories made the 4th Quarterly Review, Fall 2007)
+ The Hunt Hunt appeared May 5, 2008 (Issue 288)
+ Scary Moments appeared Sept 8, 2008 (Issue 305)
Every Day Fiction ~ "Short fiction in your inbox, Daily!"
+ Spam Fiction appeared Sept 17, 2007
+ The Anniversary appeared Jan 1, 2008
Flashing Swords ~ "Brave Deeds and Flashing Swords."
+ Tyler's Bed & Breakfast appeared Feb '08 Issue.
Flashshot ~ "Daily Genre Micro-Fiction" (no archive)
+ The Resignation appeared Nov 29, 2007
+ Good News appeared Jan 9, 2008
+ I Won! appeared Jan 21, 2008
MicroHorror ~ "Short Stories. Endless Nightmares."
+ Show, Don't Tell appeared Aug 21, 2007
+ The Time Had Come appeared Aug 23, 2007
+ The Audition appeared Aug 25, 2007
+ The Farm appeared Sept 13, 2007
+ Our Christening, a SciFaiku, April 2008
Pen Pricks Micro Fiction ~ "Exactly 55 Words"
+ Good News (Issue 2)
+ I Won! (Issue 2)
+ Dear John (Issue 3)
+ Grand Prix Auto (Issue 3)
+ The Engagement Ring (Feb '08 - PDF #53)
+ The Proposal (Feb '08 - PDF #56)
Ray Gun Revival ~ "Thrilling Tales from Beyond the Ether"
+ A Thousand Splendid Monkeys appeared Sept 1, 2007 (Issue 29)
~~ Took 3rd place in RGR's Space Monkey Flash Fiction Contest
+ Shock the Monkey (archived non-published submission)
Residential Aliens ~ "Speculative Fiction from the Seven Stars"
+ A Sad Tale from Skuddledump (Issue 1 & Anthology 1)
+ Even Superheroes (Issue 3.5)
+ Show, Don't Tell (Issue 4 - Feature, Micro-Fiction Edition)
+ A Day at the Zoo (Issue 6)
Space Westerns ~ The Ezine of the Space Western Sub-Genre
+ West of the Texas Nebula by Dan Devine & Lyn Perry, 2008
Tales from the Moonlit Path ~ "Dark, Eerie, Speculative."
+ Writer's Block ~ A horrorku in 3 stanzas (July 15, 2008)
Tower of Light ~ Online Fantasy Fiction Magazine
+ A Sad Tale from Skuddledump (Issue 5, Summer 2008)
Write Off ~ "the home of experimental writing"
+ Golden 'Anniversary' (February 2008)
+ Pack a Day (March 2008)
(some stories appear more than one place!)
A Sad Tale from Skuddledump
+ Residential Aliens, July 2007, Issue 1 & Anthology 1
+ Tower of Light, Issue 5, Summer 2008
The Eagle, A Fable
+ Thought Renewal, my blog, March 5, 2007
+ The Kentucky Mountain Girl News, January 5, 2008
+ Static Movement, February 2008
+ Also, Golden Anniversary appears at Static Movement, April 2008
Even Superheroes
+ Write Stuff, September 7, 2007
~~ Took 2nd place in Write Stuff's Short Story Contest
+ Residential Aliens, September 2007, Issue 3.5
Pack a Day
+ Debris Magazine, Jan 5, 2008, Winter Issue
+ La Lune Bleue Planete, March 2008
+ Write Off, March 2008
+ Burst Literary Ezine, Spring Issue 2008
The Time Had Come
+ MicroHorror, August 23, 2007
+ Long Story Short, November, 2007