The Winners are Announced in
Issue 4 - October 2007
The Contest Closed September 15, 2007, but FYI...
Announcing ResAliens First Contest!
Super Flash Fiction In Under 100 words!
Now that's telling a short story. Want to give it a try? Well here's your chance. Our "Micro-Fiction Contest" is underway. Residential Aliens is accepting quick shots of flash fiction now through September 15th.
Rules: 100 words or less, G & PG themed stories only. Fantasy/Sci-Fi preferred, but not required. Multiple submissions and re-prints okay, but prefer originals.
Format: In a .doc or .rtf file, include - in this order - your title, your byline, word count, your 100 word or less story, 2 line bio and website, and whether your submission is original or if previously published, where. Email your entry to lyn @ rightthinking . net. Please type SUBMISSION in the subject line. (See our Submission Guidelines.)
Judging: An impartial panel will judge every entry and select the top 10 stories for publication. I'll send every story to the committee as an anonymous entry, although I do reserve the right to make the final call for publication. Bwahahah. (Oh, did I say that out loud?)
Prizes: The top 10 stories will be featured in a special issue of Residential Aliens. And
At the very least, all published participants will win bragging rights and a conversation starter at your next visit to The Alien's Pub.
Writing Tips: For those interested in writing engaging micro-fiction, first, begin with the end in mind. Formulate your 'zinger' or twist that resolves the set-up, then work backward. Second, let it all out and don't worry about word count initially. You'll probably end up with a 110 to 115 word story. Then, third, edit the heck out of it. Snip, nip, and tuck. Maintain your voice, but eliminate padding; micro-fiction is concise! And finally, get some feedback. Have a friend look at it for simplicity, comprehension, and enjoyment.
So get writing! Looking forward to reading your stories.
Best wishes! Lyn