
The Tears of Ishtar by Michael Ehart

Here's a sneak peak at the cover of Michael Ehart's new project (coming February, 2010) - The Tears of Ishtar, a "servant" novel. Ehart is the author of The Servant of the Manthycore, a collection of stories featuring "a warrior woman as ruthless, bloody, and honorable as the ancient world in which she walks, spanning more than forty lifetimes..." I've read many of the short stories, and they are action-filled epics. This new release promises continued mystery, excitement, and adventure.

Here's a bit from Michaels' blog:
February 14th is not just a day for lovers next year --- it is time for Fantasy lovers, too! No, not that kind of fantasy! That is the date that The Tears of Ishtar releases...
Looks like a great Valentine's present to me!

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