
Archived Index

The featured authors, artists, and projects of Residential Aliens.

Ader, Robin D.
+ Airborne (Issue 4 - Honorable Mention, Micro-Fiction Edition)

Alan, Jeff (website)
+ Ivory Flowers (Issue 6)

Alexander, Francis W.
+ Tongue Twister (Issue 7 - Finalist, PunSpec Contest)

Avett, William
+ Going for the Gold (Issue 7)

Barr, Brandon (website)
+ Hero (Issue 4 - Near the Top, Micro-Fiction Edition)
+ Life Line (Issue 4 - Honorable Mention, Micro-Fiction Edition)

Bergholtz, Frida M. (website)
+ Featured Artist (Issue 3)

Bettinelli, Dom (website)
+ Book Review: The Children of Hurin (Issue 1)

Blair, Peter F. (website)
+ The Day God Died (Issue 1)

Blakemore, Thomas
+ A Prayer for Salvation (Issue 3)

Bowers, Andy
+ Stepping Stones (Issue 2 & Anthology 1)
+ Coloring Book Garden (Anthology 1)

Bowers, James K. (website)
+ Adam v37.2 (Issue 3.5 & Anthology 1)
+ Nana's Story (Anthology 1)
+ The Letter (Issue 4 - Feature, Micro-Fiction Edition

Caner, Resha
+ Morning Coffee (#08.10)

Carr, Rob (website)
+ Not Exactly Plagiarism (Issue 1 & Anthology 1)

Copple, R.L. (website)
+ Mirror, Mirror, on the Screen (Issue 4 - Honorable Mention, Micro-Fiction Edition)
+ Space Talk (#08.09)

Cox, Patrick G. (website)
+ A Ship of Heaven? (Issue 2.5 & Anthology 1)
+ Harry and the Thinking Machine (Anthology 1)
+ In the Absence of Gravity (Issue 3.5)

Crankshaw, Donald S. (website)
+ The Hunter of Shades (Issue 1 & Anthology 1)

Cross, Kenneth
+ Green Man Snot (Issue 4 - Near the Top, Micro-Fiction Edition)

Crystalwizard (website)
+ An Author's Nightmare (Issue 5)
+ Featured Artist (Issue 6)
+ Too Many Crooks (Issue 6)

Dal Brun, Ilaria
+ Foul Breath (Issue 5)

Destefano, Merrie (website)
+ Dirty Jobs (Issue 2.5 & Anthology 1)

Devine, Dan (website)
+ The Pride of the Tribe, Part 1 (Issue 2.5 & Anthology 1)
+ The Pride of the Tribe, Part 2 (Issue 3 & Anthology 1)
+ You Use What You've Got (Anthology 1)
+ Another Point of View (Issue 4 - 1st Place, Micro-Fiction Edition)
+ The Sole of a Giant (Issue 7 - Finalist, PunSpec Contest)
+ A Place for the Children (Issue 7)

Diaz, R. E.
+ A Measure of the Depth (Issue 7)

Doyle, Steve (website)
+ A Leprechaun's Tale (Issue 2.5)
+ I Am My Brother's Keeper (Issue 6.5)

Duncan, George L. (website)
+ We Few, We Happy Few (Issue 3.5 & Anthology 1)
+ The Golden Laughter of the Sun (Anthology 1)

Ehart, Michael (website)
+ Featured Author (Issue 6)

Fisher, Glenn W.
+ Beginnings, Part 1: The Evil Gene (Issue 3.5)
+ Beginnings, Part 2: A New Start (Issue 5)
+ Beginnings, Part 3: Confusion in Shinar City (Issue 6.5)

Fisher, Jacquelyn (website)
+ Took Legacy (Issue 1)

Goddard, Beth (website)
+ Conversation with Stephen Lawhead (Issue 2)

Gudeman, Dave (website)
+ Transcendence (Issue 2 & Anthology 1)

Hightower, Charles
+ Today's Solution (Issue 4 - Best of Show, Micro-Fiction Edition)

Knight, Alethea (website)
+ Cube Farm Madness (Issue 4 - Near the Top, Micro-Fiction Edition)

Larsson, Malin (website)
+ Dusty Roads (Issue 3.5)

Lundstrom, Kimberly C.
+ Detour (Issue 7)

Lynch, Mike (website)
+ Surf's Up (Issue 4 - Best of Show, Micro-Fiction Edition)
+ Bellux Prime (Issue 4 - Honorable Mention, Micro-Fiction Edition)
+ Cut! (Issue 4 - Honorable, Micro-Fiction Edition)

Marks, Rachel A. (website)
+ Featured Artist (Issue 5)

McKeown, Ed (website)
+ The People of Terra Firma (Issue 7)

McQuiston, Rick (website)
+ Misunderstood (Issue 3 & Anthology 1)

McSpadden, Karen
+ The Road Leads On (Issue 4 - Honorable Mention, Micro-Fiction Edition)

Melvin, Orin
+ Gabriel's Carpet (Issue 4 - Honorable Mention, Micro-Fiction Edition)

Moisi, Alex (website)
+ Up or Down (Issue 3 & Anthology 1)
+ Monsters (Issue 4 - 2nd Place, Micro-Fiction Edition)
+ Moments (Issue 4 - Best of Show, Micro-Fiction Edition)
+ Memories (Issue 4 - Best of Show, Micro-Fiction Edition)

Perry, Lyn (your's truly)
+ A Sad Tale from Skuddledump (Issue 1 & Anthology 1)
+ Even Superheroes (Issue 3.5)
+ Show, Don't Tell (Issue 4 - Feature, Micro-Fiction Edition)
+ A Day at the Zoo (Issue 6)
+ The Next Greatest Invention (Issue 6.5)

Perry, Sarah
+ Artwork (Issue 1)
+ More Artwork (Issue 2)
+ Cover Artist (Anthology 1)
+ Cover Artist (Issue 7)

Peterson, Nick
+ The Machine (Issue 4 - Honorable Mention, Micro-Fiction Edition)

Schauer, Stephanie
+ Butterfly (Issue 4 - Feature, Micro-Fiction Edition)

Schuler, John
+ Raynar the Broken (Issue 4 - Near the Top, Micro-Fiction Edition)
+ A Time to Reap (Issue 5.5)

Schumaker, Ben (website)
+ Turning Out the Lights (Issue 4 - Honorable Mention, Micro-Fiction Edition)

Schweitzer, Curtis (website)
+ Colossus (Issue 2.5 & Anthology 1)
+ Eight Minutes (Issue 6)

Schwyn, K.
+ A New Taste Sensation (Issue 4 - Feature, Micro-Fiction Edition)

Setzer, Stoney M.
+ Awakening (Issue 2 & Anthology 1)
+ In the Shadow of the Sphinx (Issue 3 & Anthology 1)
+ Enamored (Anthology 1)
+ Agent Nineteen (Issue 4 - 3rd Place, Micro-Fiction Edition)
+ Smokescreen (Issue 5.5)
+ Three Punny Stories (Issue 7 - Finalist, PunSpec Contest)
+ The Alabama Hammer (#08.07)

Shaner, Matt (website)
+ The Last Night (Issue 6)

Sherman, Fraser (website)
+ Homicidal Maniacs Running With Scissors (Issue 6.5)

Shull, Glyn (website)
+ Demonic Intent (Issue 2 & Anthology 1)
+ Combatant's Glory (Anthology 1)

Sonnenschein, Gerry (website)
+ Natural Balance (Issue 3 & Anthology 1)

Sundblad, Donna (website)
+ Sacrificial Love (Issue 4 - Honorable Mention, Micro-Fiction Edition)

Svensson, Richard (website)
+ Featured Artist (Issue 2.5)

Thomason, Selena (website)
+ The Colors Story (Issue 4 - Feature, Micro-Fiction Edition)
+ Gifted (Issue 5)

Torres, Amaryllis
+ The Cookie Jar (Issue 4 - Near the Top, Micro-Fiction Edition)

Vance, M.
+ The Other End of the Rainbow, Part 1 (Issue 1)
+ The Other End of the Rainbow, Part 2 (Issue 2.5)
+ The Other End of the Rainbow, Part 3 (Issue 5)
+ The Other End of the Rainbow, Part 4 (Issue 6.5)

Will you be our next author or artist?
Visit the Submission Guidelines for information.